How to Build Your Blog Audience Like You Mean Business
Seems like forever since my last post and I’m having a heck of a time getting back into it, even though it’s been just 2 weeks.
Have you ever experienced that?
Where you fall off your blogging schedule for a bit, and when you try to get back on, you have to force yourself. Somehow it winds up being so much harder than it should be, right?
This struggle is what’s been on my mind lately and today, I’m sharing a blogging workflow to help you (and me!) stick to our blogging schedules like we mean business. This will be part 1 of my Build Your Blog Audience + Traffic series, where I will be digging into ways to improve your visibility and traffic, and ultimately, set the stage for making money with your online business.
Here’s what I’m covering in this post:
- Knowing who you want to reach
- Why you should be thinking about content funnels, even if you’re starting out
- Setting monthly blogging + social media goals
- Specific things to do each week to build your audience and reach your goals
Ready for it? Let’s dive in.
Step #1) Know who you’re trying to reach
Building your blog audience starts right here. This is such a biggie and worth mentioning again and again, even though you’ve probably heard it a hundred times!
The reason is because knowing your audience is the foundation of your entire business and online presence. And if you have a weak foundation, it’s hard to build up from there, with me?
To really build your blog audience, you have to solve one specific problem for one specific person.
If you want, you can download my Find Your Niche Workbook to help you zero in on your sweet spot – the intersection where your audience hearts what you heart, and your skills and passions allow you to charge premium prices. Just click the image below to grab it.

Let’s say you’re all about nutrition and eating a healthy diet, and you want to pass on tips that you’ve learned to others so they can be fit and healthy too. Your goal is to sell nutrition eBooks and products that help people get from zero to fit with ease.
This is a great start, but we’re not quite there yet. “People who want to eat healthy” is too broad a market, especially in a crowded niche like health and fitness. Let’s dig a little deeper.
First of all, are you trying to reach primarily men or women?
In the fitness and health blogosphere, women typically account for about 75% of purchasing decisions, so my vote is to focus on women.
Ok, we’re really getting somewhere here, but we’re still skimming the surface with “Women who want to eat healthy”. Let’s dig deeper and narrow it down even more. To do that, it will help to look at why it’s hard for women to eat healthy.
I’m taking a quick stab here at a few pain points:
- Truly healthy foods are not easy to find
- Fast foods, in large portions, are everywhere
- No time to research healthy foods, so you just eat what’s available
- Don’t know how much to eat, what to eat and when to eat it
- You feel like you “deserve” a treat during (and after) a hectic day
- Bagel Monday’s and Pizza Friday’s at the office are hard to resist
I’m sure there are even more problems we can uncover, but this gets us on the right track. Do you see how by doing this, we can really start connecting your blog biz GOALS to what your target audience NEEDS.
This is where the magic happens, and why knowing your audience is such an important step. After all, how can you build your blog audience if you don’t even know who your audience is, make sense?
If we look at just a few of the pain points listed above, our target audience might start looking like this:
Professional women aged 30-55 who want to eat healthy but struggle with a busy schedule, not knowing the right foods to eat and not enough time to make complicated meals at home.
When you really get this right, you’re going to build your audience and traffic with ease. Promise.
Step #2) Think of blogging as a content funnel
To make this step extra easy, I created the Blog Business Plan Workbook where I show you exactly how to create content that converts into sales. This is just one of the many “foundation” and “advanced” strategies I cover in the workbook to help you build a profitable blog. It may be just what you’re looking for! Learn more about the Blog Business Plan Workbook.
Content funnels are one of those things where even thinking about them can make you feel flustered. You may be thinking What the heck is a content funnel, anyway?
Some people call them sales funnels. I prefer to think of them as content funnels mostly because I cringe at the thought of being salesy. If you’re curious, funnels are how you move people through a process of:
- Getting to know you
- Starting to like you
- Trusting you as an authority
- And finally, purchasing from you
The way you move people through a funnel is with content, which is why I think content funnels are what we’re really talking about here, more so than sales funnels. And when I say content funnels, I mean all content…blog posts, webinars, videos, podcasts, emails, sales pages…all of it.
See how thinking about it this way marries each blog post to a sales system?
Your content becomes a system of building blocks that are interconnected. When you write a blog post, what you’re really doing is setting the early stages for people to buy. Here’s what that content funnel might look like:
In other words, a blog post leads to a freebie, which leads to a free course or training, which leads to a paid course or eBook. Can you see how this is all coming together here?
Now in terms of the funnel itself, consistent blogging will help people get to know/like/trust you. So my question for you is:
What would you like your audience to buy from you?
That’s a big question, I know. You’re probably thinking I have no idea what product to create. I really need more traffic right now before I can figure that out!
I get it. This is one of those things where starting with your end game is actually going to help you get traffic and build your blog audience faster. The reason is because you’re going to be laser focused with each post and frame it around your future products, even if right now you’re not sure exactly what those products are!
This means that you want to create content around what your audience most needs, and that content is going to be the “top of your funnel”. Over time, you’ll see which posts resonate the most with your audience and which products to create around them.
Can you see how step #1 helps us create bangin’ content funnels too? Let’s look at some of the pain points from our earlier example:
- Truly healthy foods are not easy to find
- Don’t know how much to eat, what to eat and when to eat it
- Bagel Monday and Pizza Fridays at the office are hard to resist
Here are some blog themes that would be perfect launching pads for future products:
- Theme #1: Quick, easy recipes
- Theme #2: The mindset of eating healthy
- Theme #3: Meal plans and diet guidance
There’s more to sales funnels than this, but for now, just start thinking about each post as having 2 jobs:
- To help your audience solve a specific problem
- To create a platform for future products and making money
3) Set monthly blog + social media goals
This is another area where starting with the end game will help you focus your priorities each week. From our Blog Profit Plan series, we already know the 4 things we need to focus on each month: content, traffic, subscribers, and profit.
So let’s say this month we want to:
- Write 6 blog posts (content)
- Get 35K unique visitors (traffic)
- Build our list to 4,500 (subscribers)
- Offer a free course that leads to a paid course (profit)
Your goals may look much different than this, and that’s perfectly ok. Maybe what you really want to do is to get your first 100 subscribers, or even to write your first few blog posts. Or, maybe you have an eBook you’d like to sell.
The point is to be very specific with your goals and know that you can achieve them, based on your schedule and where you’re at in your blog biz journey right now.
If you want, you can download my sample monthly blog plan that shows you the exact steps to getting more traffic to your blog posts and your business. Click the image below to download it.

Next, let’s look at how we’re going to achieve our monthly goals…
Step #4) Create a blogging workflow
If only writing a blog post was as easy as writing the post, know what I mean?
In reality, there are a whole slew of things to do if we’re going to build our blog audience and traffic like we mean business. A single post can easily take the whole week to create when you blog with intention, which of course is what you do!
You have to do things like:
- Research post ideas
- Create images
- Promote the post
- Create a freebie
- Write an email delivering the freebie
And if we break that down even more, our list looks more like this:
And our monthly blog calendar looks like this:Whew! It’s a lot. And all of it works like a machine to help you build the platform for your sales/content funnels we talked about. This is what’s really going to help us build our blog audience and traffic.
Here are the planner and checklist so you can start creating your own traffic machine. This is the same monthly plan that has helped me get 40K visitors and 4K subscribers in 3 months. Click the image below to download.

I came up with this blog plan after months of experimenting and trying to figure out a workflow that was easy to follow each week.
With this planner, you spread out individual blog tasks (and even batch them if you can). Remember, you’ve got more to do than just write a post if you really want to build your blog audience and traffic!
Here’s what “writing a blog post” looks like:
- Research blog topics
- Write the post
- Make it SEO-findable
- Create blog images
- Create social media images
- Create a freebie
- Add the freebie to your post
- Integrate the freebie with MailChimp, ConvertKit or other email platform
- Proofread and publish
- Share with your subscribers
- Share on social media and other channels
- Repurpose as a quick tip graphic
- Create a second pin for Pinterest
- Repurpose as a short video
- Write more tweets and updates
- Schedule updates, tweets, the video, and quick tip
- Share to Facebook group promo threads throughout the week
I recommend spreading these tasks out over the week for a few reasons:
First of all, building your blog audience takes time and there are a lot of pieces involved. Trying to cram every piece into just a day or two will leave you feeling frazzled, kinda like you’re falling behind with all of it. Spreading it out will make you feel calm, centered and in control of your blog biz.
The other reason is that when you think about it, all of the tasks listed above are wildly different. It takes a different head to write a post than to create graphics or even a freebie. And it’s a completely different “techie” head for opt-in forms, email integration, sequences, and so on.
We already know how task-shifting can act like a lead weight on your brain. Too much task-shifting inside of any given day will slow you down and make you feel foggy. What we want is to speed things up, right?
So there you have it. That’s a wrap for part #1 of The Build Your Blog Audience + Traffic series.
Next up, we’ll drill down on a 7-day marketing plan to build your audience:
Part 2: 7-Day Blog and Social Media Plan
If you want, you can download the Social Media Planner I created and start working on your marketing plan right now. Click the image below to download it:

Hi Sandra,
I saw you tweeting about blogging and I thought I’d check out your website. I really like it. Looks like Sandra has come a long way!
Good job with the Yoast plugin SEO is so important these days.
Keep making great stuff!
Thank you!
Amazing! I need to implement this on my blog, vlogs, etc. But what comes first? The paid course that the free course has to lead to, the freebie, or just writing to create an audience first?
Hey Cris, in my book they should all be connected. If you feel like you’re ready to create a paid course, go for it! If you feel like you need to understand your audience more, you can write blog posts around your course ideas. This is why I always recommend blogging in themes (rather than randomly) because those themes can be a framework for your paid course. Free courses are also a great way to test your paid course idea and build your list at the same time. Make sense?
This is super helpful! I am new to blogging and building traffic has been one of my biggest challenges as well as trying to come up with content to post. I would like to post 3 times a week but 1 is the best I am able to crank out at the moment. Thank you for sharing this information!
You’re so welcome, Abi! This post might help be helpful for finding blog ideas:
Hello Sandra, thanks for sharing this piece.
Skipping a blogging schedule has always been one of my problems. I don’t know whether to call it laziness.
Sometimes you will plan to write an article, but you start considering how long its gonna take you.
I know, right? And then you make it out to be a bigger task than it is. We just have to force ourselve to do it!
The way you break down your blogging tasks is impressive, really!! I should really sit down and plan out my next month just like that.
Fantastic and a very well written and put together post, kudos! I especially appreciate the reminder to ask myself who and where my audience is, before doing anything else.
Really good post, thanks!
Sure thing, Damjan!
I Have spent the last 2 hours on your site and by the time i was finish I WAS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO BUY!!! LOL!!
And i bought both of your offers. I have alot of work to do on my site to implement everything you Have said. God bless you my dear!!
Thank you so much, Janice! Best of luck with your website, I’m so glad the info is helpful.
I love your posts! I wondered if you could provide an example or elaborate on what making a video of your post would look like? Thanks!
Thank you so much, Theresa. For the video, you can record a few highlights from your post (just you talking to your webcam, type thing). 1-2 minutes is all you need. At the end of the video tell viewers to visit your blog for more info. Post the video on YouTube and Facebook with a link to your post in the description. You can even embed the video in your post if you’d like. There’s also a site I recently discovered, Lumen5, that creates animated videos from posts. I haven’t tried it yet but it looks very straightforward. Here’s a link for more info: Hope that helps!