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[Your Product Name] for only [$XX]
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A major benefit-driven “hook” goes here.
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[Your Product Name] for only [$XX]
Over [XX%] off

Only available for the next 30 minutes
A major benefit-driven “hook” goes here.
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Regularly [$XX]
Tired of [the biggest pain point you’re solving]?
This section is where you describe your ideal customer’s BIGGEST pain point better than they can. Show them that you really get it. Be super specific about how it feels to have this problem. You want them to start nodding and thinking “Yes, that’s exactly my problem!
After a paragraph or two, get them excited about solving it. Show them the opportunity that is out there for them and make it sound easy. You can say something like, "The way to turn things around is to do [X, Y and Z]."
[Product Name] will help you [achieve this and this] so that you can [get the really big outcome they want]!
Here’s what you’ll cover (or learn):
This section should show them the benefits. What will happen for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? Describe the transformation, what they'll learn and what they'll be able to do. Use the prompts below for inspiration.
Huge Benefit #1…
This section is to remind your customers of the biggest result they can expect. What will change for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? How will they feel? What will they be able to do? What will their day be like once they overcome their struggles (e.g., stress-free, joyous, easy)?

Huge Benefit #2…
This section is to remind your customers of another big result they can expect. What will change for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? How will they feel? What will they be able to do? What will their day be like once they overcome their struggles (e.g., stress-free, joyous, easy)?
Regularly [$XX]

Huge Benefit #1…
This section is to remind your customers of the biggest result they can expect. What will change for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? How will they feel? What will they be able to do? What will their day be like once they overcome their struggles (e.g., stress-free, joyous, easy)?

Huge Benefit #2…
This section is to remind your customers of another big result they can expect. What will change for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? How will they feel? What will they be able to do? What will their day be like once they overcome their struggles (e.g., stress-free, joyous, easy)?
Regularly [$XX]

Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome.
If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you, or a famous quote from a well-known influencer in your niche (make sure you attribute them). Finally, if you don’t have a photo of your customer, simply delete the left column and center your text instead.
– Happy Customer

Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome.
If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you, or a famous quote from a well-known influencer in your niche (make sure you attribute them). Finally, if you don’t have a photo of your customer, simply delete the left column and center your text instead.
– Happy Customer
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are sure you’re going to be thrilled with [Product Name] and get amazing results!
But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be able to test-drive the course to make sure it fits your needs, and we figure [XX] days is the right number.
So if you buy [Product Name] today, and at any point in the next [XX] days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are sure you’re going to be thrilled with [Product Name] and get amazing results!
But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be able to test-drive the course to make sure it fits your needs, and we figure [XX] days is the right number.
So if you buy [Product Name] today, and at any point in the next [XX] days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!
If you feel like…
Focus on their aspirations and goals in this section. What are they ready to do right now? You want them to say, “Yes, I'm ready…I want it…gimme that outcome now!” Use the prompts below as a guide.
[Product Name] will guide you through each step of [achieving the outcome they want most]!

Get instant access to [Product Name] for only [$XX]!
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