The Time Blocking System

Realize the power of block scheduling your time and crushing your goals all year long

Instant 60% off through Sunday!!

$22 off the regular $37 price

Imagine having the freedom and confidence to focus on the things you really want to do…

you dream big. you have audacious, superhuman goals and you’re ready to make an impact on the world. 

you just need more hours in the day to get to everything on your list…

But you want to know a secret?

you don't need more hours. you just need to zero in on the most important things you need to do this week.


Whether you feel completely overwhelmed by a growing to-do list or just want more control over your week, my Time Blocking System will help you connect your daily tasks to your big vision goals so you can reach them fast.

The Time Blocking System by ConversionMinded

Grab the Black Friday Special!! 60% OFF!
The price goes back up after this weekend.

$22 off the regular $37 price

The Time Blocking System by Sandra at ConversionMinded

It's easy to get lost in a whirlwind of daily interruptions that stop you from reaching your goals.


You sit down to write a blog post and an email pops up so you peak at it, quick like.


You JUST finish editing a web page and the server drops out. So you spend an hour (you don't have!) retracing your edits.

And then

You work on a client project and remember a post you forgot to share, so you log in to Instagram real quick.

Does any of that sound familiar?

You can have the biggest goals. But if you lose momentum or can’t focus on the right priorities at the right time, they can slip through your fingers fast

That's painful. And it sucks.

When you can’t see your dreams, nothing makes sense.

You feel confused and overwhelmed. Things that were crystal clear just yesterday become fuzzy. You can't figure out how to get back on track, or even if your priorities are truly in line with your goals.

You question your value as a human being. Creating a landing page isn't rocket science, so what gives? How could it POSSIBLY take so many hours?

You’re fed up with to-do lists. Everything takes 5X longer than you think. You wonder if your list will EVER lose some weight and get off your back already.

You feel tired and overworked. You know there's a better way to structure your week so you have time for fun, *gasp. You just don't know what it is.

The Time Blocking System is your answer!

I'll show you step-by-step how to turn your biggest goals into bite-sized actions and weekly priorities.

You'll gain the confidence to focus on what’s most important to you.

And you’ll feel satisfaction in knowing that you’re tackling the right things — at the right time and at the right pace — to turn your audacious goals into a reality.

Here’s what you'll be able to do:

Become a time management ninja once and for all…

  • Master the Art of Time Blocking. Block out time for everything…work, social, fun, errands, life…all of it.
  • Prioritize your Goals. Identify the goals you should aim for today and the goals that can (and shouldwait until later.
  • Connect Goals to Actions. Translate your biggest goals into daily priorities, actions and tasks to achieve them.
  • Feel Refreshed and Energized. Know exactly what you will accomplish each day, from the time you sign on to the time you sign off.
  • Create Structure and Consistency. Leverage *anchor tasks* to turn your schedule into a daily routine that runs like clockwork.
  • 10X your Productivity.  Cut your to-do list in half and skyrocket the amount of stuff you get done. 
  • Follow Through and Finish. Reschedule daily tasks based on what you accomplish (and what you don't!) so you stay on track.
  • Power Through Interruptions. Prevent *busy* work and distractions from derailing your progress and slowing you down.
  • Ditch Overwhelm and Burnout. Get really good at estimating how long things will take you to complete, fo’real.
  • Time Block in Trello. Create a Trello Time Blocking board that you can share with your team.

Why should I start time blocking? 

Great question! The reason is that almost ALL successful entrepreneurs are incredibly productive. And you want to be successful too. 

Most people spend only 20% of their time doing things that will really move the needle on their business. Then they see their goals fade away week after week. If you’re serious about achieving your goals, you have to work toward them 80% of the time. Every.Single.Day.  

Before I started time blocking, I couldn’t reach my three biggest goals: Win a $30K client, host a webinar, and create a free course. When I finally started time blocking, I systematically reached them one at a time. Then I set BIGGER goals and crushed those too! 

The sooner you start time blocking, the sooner you’re going to achieve your big, audacious goals.

A roadmap for setting goals

Most people have too many goals competing for their attention at the same time. Time blocking forces you to reorganize your priorities, pare down your goals and approach them linearly, one by one. You’ll press pause on less important goals and fully commit to your current goal. And you’ll be amazed at how satisfied you feel — and how fast you reach your goals.

woman with planner
woman using the time blocking template by Sandra at ConversionMinded

A system to follow through

It’s easy to feel defeated when stuff takes longer than you expect or tasks come up that you didn't plan. This is where time blocking shines! You’ll work backward from the number of hours you have and channel your focus on a few core tasks. And you’ll build flexibility into your schedule for times when you hit a snag and a project runs long (always!). 

woman with planner

A roadmap for setting goals

Most people have too many goals competing for their attention at the same time. Time blocking forces you to reorganize your priorities, pare down your goals and approach them linearly, one by one. You'll press pause on less important goals and fully commit to your current goal. And you'll be amazed at how satisfied you feel — and how fast you reach your goals.

woman using the time blocking template by Sandra at ConversionMinded

A system to follow through

It’s easy to feel defeated when stuff takes longer than you expect or tasks come up that you didn't plan. This is where time blocking shines! You'll work backward from the number of hours you have and channel your focus on a few core tasks. And you'll build flexibility into your schedule for times when you hit a snag and a project runs long (always!).

One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. 

- Tony Robbins

If you feel like…

  • You need help getting crystal clear on what you should be working on daily and weekly to reach your goals.
  • You really want to be more productive and just need a simple system to plan and manage your time.
  • You’re tired of seeing your goals get fuzzy and want to bring them back into focus, fast.
  • You want to spend more time doing the things you're passionate about and less time doing everything else.
  • You want a high-level view of what you should be working on and the roadmap for getting it done all in one place.
  • You’re already planning your goals and just need more structure and discipline so you can achieve them faster.
  • You want the satisfaction of seeing steady progress as you work toward your goals each week.  
  • You’re ready to feel excited about what you accomplish instead of overwhelmed by your to-do list.

the Time blocking System will help you zero in on the most important things you need to do this week.

Turn your biggest goals into bite-sized actions and focus on what’s most important to you today.

The Time Blocking System by ConversionMinded
The Time Blocking System by Sandra at ConversionMinded

Grab the Black Friday Special!! 60% OFF! 

$22 off the regular $37 price

Have questions?
I've got answers for you!

How long do I have access to the course?

It's yours forever! You get lifetime access to it and can work at your own pace.

Do you offer refunds?

Absolutely! I know you'll be thrilled with The Time Blocking System. That said, if for any reason I'm wrong, and you’re not 100% happy with it, just email me at within 14 days of purchase and I'll issue a refund. No questions asked.

Do I need a Google Drive account to access the system?

Nope. It's best if you have a Google Drive account but you don't need one! You can easily use the system in Excel or another program. I walk you through how to do that in the course.

What if I don't know how to use Google Spreadsheets or Trello?

No worries, I've got you covered. I show you step by step how to customize the sheets and work with Trello boards, lists and cards. You'll be navigating them like a pro in no time.

© ConversionMinded