The Ultimate Digital Product Planner is the soup-to-nuts guide you’ve been waiting for to start making passive income with digital products.

Been dreaming of creating a digital product but you’re stuck behind the starting line?
Let us guess…
You really want to make more money without spending more of your time, but you just haven’t gotten around to creating a digital product because you’re neck-deep in the serving-clients grind…
We’ve been exactly where you are and we know how it feels to watch your business heroes “effortlessly” build passive income streams while you’re so overwhelmed with what you’re already doing you’re not sure where to even start…
What should I create?
How do I reach customers?
What do I need to include?
What tech do I need to learn/buy?
How should I price it?
What if it's already been done?
These types of questions are all that stands between you hustling your tail off and reclaiming your time and freedom knowing money is flowing in.
If only there were a manual for how to go about this, right? 😉
What if we told you that with the right plan, you can make a passive-income generating product in a couple of weeks tops?
That you don’t need to be a leading expert in your niche, some kind of tech expert, to invest in fancy software or equipment, or plan some massive course to get started?
The truth is, that YOU CAN DO THIS and start building your passive income foundation in a way that works with your busy routine and it doesn’t need to tip you over the overwhelm ledge.
INTRODUCING the practical, no-fluff plan we wish we had when we first started selling digital products…

This 94-page interactive .PDF guide is everything you need to get started making and selling digital products and to create a business plan for your first — and next! — profitable product.
You’ll learn our best secrets to earning money with digital products including…
>> The #1 reason why even the most valuable products fail to sell (and what you need to do instead).
>> How to price your first product and create an offer your audience will line up to buy.
>> How to move toward making a full-time income with digital products and courses (if you want to) using a realistic, doable method… even if you’re insanely busy.

Section 1: Getting Started with Digital Products
Even if you’re not 100% sure what a digital product even is right now, we got you. We start at the beginning!
Learn Digital Product Lingo
First, we translate all the intimidating tech and marketing jargon into plain terms and understandable human language so you know there’s nothing complicated about this process you can’t handle — you got this.
Find Your Winning Product Idea
Learn what a digital product is and why creating one is definitely something you can do, find the perfect product idea you can create in no more than 2 weeks, and discover how to validate that idea so you know it will actually sell.
Simplify the Tools & Tech
Even if tech is your mortal enemy, we break down what you need in the simplest way possible so you can get started with tools you have and tech solutions that work for your time and budget (starting with fast & free!).
Bust Myths & Limiting Beliefs
There’s a lot of guru advice out there that’s just too unrealistic for busy people. We’re sharing the unconventional secrets we learned as we transitioned from serving clients to selling digital products. (Hint: our method is doable!)
Section 2: Create Your Product Plan
Think of it as a business plan for your first (and next!) profitable product.
Create Your Vision & Set Goals
You can’t get to your final destination if you don’t know where you’re heading. We start your plan off with a bird’s eye view of your vision and goals for your product and beyond.
Identify Your Market
The more targeted you are with your digital product, the more you’ll be able to attract and connect with your ideal customers. We show you how to find your “sweet spot” market.
Conduct Market Research
You may think you know your audience, but what you think they want and what they actually want may be different things. We’ll do the research to get to the bottom of it.
Analyze & Position
It’s time to do some detective work to make sure people buy from you and not your competition. This analysis will help you position your product as the best choice for your audience.
Finalize Your Product Summary
It’s time to pull it all together and define your digital product! At this stage you’re ready to hone in on your product idea and create a fast and nimble minimum viable product you can start testing.
Create Your Irresistible Offer
Once you create your product, you expect to see the sales roll in, right? But sometimes it doesn’t and this is where MOST people give up and call it a failure. It’s time to turn your product into an irresistible offer!
Build Your Audience
Most advice starts here, but we flip the script. You need something to guide them to first, so now you’re ready to use social media and email to attract customers and prime them to buy your product.
Create Your Marketing System
Once you create your irresistible offer you need a solid marketing system to promote it, connect with the right people, earn their trust and loyalty, and get customers into your sales funnels… most of this is autopilot!

“I already have a product idea, do I still need this?”
Congrats! Coming up with an idea for your digital product is often the hardest part of the process and you’re off to a great start!
You could definitely wing it (that’s what we did!) and we truly hope it works out for you. But the thing is, the internet is filled with AMAZING digital products that don’t… sell.
*Sad Trombone.*
We know what a huge bummer it is to put your heart and soul into creating something SUPER valuable only to wake up to the sound of crickets chirping.
Inside the planner you’ll learn why even the best ideas can fail and how to make sure yours knocks it out of the park.
The sooner you start following a repeatable process for validating your product ideas and baking marketing into the cake, the sooner you’ll be able layer on more and more passive income with products you know your audience will open their wallets for.
Who is this for?
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that going digital and diversifying your income is no longer a “nice to have”… it’s a necessity.
If you’re a consultant, coach, creative professional or content creator, you may not even realize it but you are sitting on a gold mine.
Turning your expertise into a digital product is hands-down the best way to generate a passive revenue and give you the leverage you need to build freedom into your business…. and your life.
And right now, online businesses are experiencing explosive growth with digital products as consumer spending habits shift. (We believe many of these changes are permanent.)
If you’ve been…
>> Riding the cash flow struggle bus for a while now…
>> Worried about where your next client is going to come from…
>> Just plain exhausted from applying more and more effort to what you’re doing with no financial reward to show for it…
Then it’s time to release the financial pressure valve and focus on adding a passive income stream to what you’re already doing.
Hey there!
We’re Sandra and Taughnee (sounds like “Tawny”) — two lifelong entrepreneurs who transitioned from providing done-for-you client services to making and selling digital products.
Our mission is to help you navigate from trading hours for dollars, riding the feast or famine roller coaster, and even feeling stuck doing work that’s spiritually draining to having the leverage you need to design your freedom business — one that puts you in the driver’s seat.
The Ultimate Digital Product Planner is the first step toward creating a passive revenue stream and we could not be more excited for you!

As featured in…

Add the companion training to your order for just $9 with purchase!
The Income
Formula Workshop
for Digital Creators ~ $97 Value
Want to make game-changing passive income with digital products? Then forget the get-rich-quick hype and be prepared to get inspired by the realistic and doable possibilities. (Even for busy professionals!)
Inside you’ll learn:
? How to price your products for profit
? The way to set (and hit!) realistic sales goals
? Which numbers to focus on to reach them
INCLUDED: The Conversion Tracker – a conversion calculator tool with a weekly sales & conversion tracker for Google Sheets
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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. We’re confident you’re going to be thrilled with The Ultimate Digital Product Planner and get amazing results!
But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be feel confident that your purchase will fit your needs, and we figure 7 days is the right number.
So if you buy The Ultimate Digital Product Planner today and at any point in the next 7 days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us at and let us know and we’ll refund your money.

If you’re ready to move past the trading time for dollars hustle and start building passive revenue streams…
The Ultimate Digital Product Planner will guide you through each step of creating your first (and next) digital product!
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The Ultimate Digital Product Planner
94-page interactive .PDF document ~ download instructions will be delivered automatically upon purchase.