Pinterest Traffic Launchpad
Pinning strategies that will help you get thousands of page views each month
Say hello to your new secret traffic weapon!
Discover the strategies to skyrocket your business and drive an incredible amount of targeted traffic to your business with Pinterest.
Without spending hours and hours of time or a ton of money!
Want to know what makes Pinterest so powerful for business?
It's a SEARCH ENGINE just like Google, only with gorgeous pictures. People use it to search for ideas of things they can learn, do, make, AND BUY.
In fact, 72% of pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy. And 87% of pinners have purchased something because of Pinterest.
They want to see your pins! They'll love you for sharing them.
They’ll be more likely to buy from you and spend more money with you than Facebook.
It's a fact…
Organic reach on Facebook and Instagram is down. You can post your little heart out and MAYBE you'll reach a handful of your followers.
That's because people on Facebook are they're to be social. They don't want to see your business posts. (It's true, Facebook asked them!)
Driving traffic from Facebook or Instagram is going to cost you. And Facebook ads are expensive, yo.
You don't need thousands of followers or tons of money to drive traffic from Pinterest.
You just need to be a good pinner.
With the Pinterest Traffic Launchpad, you are going to unleash more traffic to your website than Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn combined.

And when you implement the SEO strategies inside the course, you'll likely get traffic from Google too.
The best part is, it will be targeted traffic from people who are excited to buy from you.
You know it can be a powerhouse for your business.
You know your clients and customers are on there, you just don't know how to reach them.
You've seen it work for others but have no idea where to start.
You're just not getting the immense traffic you see others get.
You feel like yours will never take off.
You know your Pinterest strategy is lacking something, you just don't know what.
Beyond that, you feel lost.
You have page views and impressions on Pinterest but not more traffic and sales.
You're feelin' all over the place and wish it were easier.
Either way…
You love the idea of driving FREE, TARGETED traffic to your business on autopilot and want to know how to do it.
You probably have a lot of questions about Pinterest, like…
How many pins should I share a day?
How many boards do I need, and should I pin more to my own boards or groups now?
Tailwind, Tribes, The SmartLoop…which ones should I use (and why)?
How do I know when to leave a group?
I'm getting Pinterest page views but no traffic – how do I get more clicks to my posts?
Should I delete pins?
How many blog posts does it take to see a significant increase in traffic?
How do I sell my Etsy or Shopify products on Pinterest?
How can I monetize my website for traffic?
The PT Launchpad is your answer!
PT Launchpad is a step-by-step roadmap for sharing pins that will skyrocket your traffic and business growth.

Learn the formula for getting in front of your customers without spending money on ads or hours on the platform!
Let me share my Pinterest journey…
I needed to grow my traffic and email list but didn't money for Facebook ads, didn't know what a webinar or a giveaway was yet, and didn't have time for things like guest posting and Telesummits.
What I DID have was a strong following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But I wasn't getting much traffic, so I decided to try Pinterest and fell in LOVE with it.
I started with a handful of pins and tested, tweaked and edited until I figured it all out.
My web traffic skyrocketed to over 20,000 pageviews in just a few months.
I went from getting 2 email subscribers a day to 30 a day.
I added thousands of highly-targeted followers.
I regularly had pins that ranked in the top search results for super competitive keywords.
My pins showed up in Google image search results and I got got more traffic from Google.
I got over 100K repins with my viral pin strategies (these are also my #1 traffic pins).
I sold tons more digital products and earned passive income every month.
In the PT Launchpad, you'll learn:
- The right way to set up your Pinterest account for traffic and profits
- The #1 thing you have to do with new pins
- How and when to share to personal boards and groups
- A step by step guide to keeping the SmartFeed happy
- My Viral Pin Formula that will drive traffic for months and years to come
- How to create content that your audience will click on
- The 3 things you need to do to appear high in search results every time
- How to design pins that grab people's attention
- A Tailwind scheduling routine that takes minutes to set up and works like a full-time employee for your biz
Your Instructor

Sandra Clayton
Hi! I'm Sandra. I've spent the last 5 years learning everything I can about what it takes to be successful online. I’m devoted to sharing ideas, resources, and programs that will help you start, grow and scale a profitable online business that nourishes your soul and sets your spirit free!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Get started now!